

现任: 集象画会会长 中华圆山画会理事 猫头鹰艺术协会理事 台湾美术协会 理事


1961 台北市出生

1999 文化大学 艺术研究所 学分班结业

2004 日本爱知县美术馆 第52届日本形象派展入选

2004 第28届 全国油画展 入选奖

2007 台中市 第55届 中部美展 优选奖

2008 台中市中部美展 《轻舟漫水乡》油画收藏奖

2008 彰化县 第九届 磺溪美展 优选

2012 陆严少艺术馆 上海嘉定国际交流展

2012 国父纪念馆 徳明艺廊 第八次油画个展

2013 育成社会福利基金会 绘画比赛评审老师

2013 国泰世华艺术中心 第十次油画个展

2014 中正纪念堂 志清厅 第十一次油画个展

2016 亚洲睡眠医学学会 台北国际会议中心邀请展

2017 孟焦画坊 油画个展

2018 台湾艺术博览会 世贸一馆 油画展

2019 香港港丽酒店 亚洲当代艺术展


集象主义:包含了集锦、印象、心象等为主要的创作元素。 秋玉运用各种画派理论及技法,例如印象派的光影、立体派的分割、未来主义的动式及形象画派的造型变化等,将每走过的地方或国家,当地的地标、文化、特色、印象等表现在同一张画布上。这就是秋玉主张的「集象主义」。


The “Co-visionism” includes collection, impression and images as the principal elements in artistic creation.

Joyce loves traveling. Each time when visiting a place or a country, she always keeps her memories within her paintings. She tends to display the landmarks, the culture and the specialties on the same canvas. Therefore each of her paintings always contains a lot information so leaving much unlimited space of imagination to the audiences. She often expresses her moods or represents conditions of the societies she sees on the canvas as well, telling more stories thru paintings and thus lending them to be more attractive.

Applying all techniques of paintings from various schools of paintings, for example the lights from the impressionism, the division and cutting of the cubism, the acting from the futurism and the changing shape of Keisho art association. The aim is to lend plenty of various visual effects to the audience so the uniqueness and the personality of the paintings could be expressed. This is the “Co-visionism” of Joyce Chen.

1.蓝色土耳其 116.5×91.0cm 油画画布




Azure Turkey

Turkey is a country with the very special geographic location which covers two continents – Asia and Europe. The Trojan Horse on the painting represents the one appeared in the eternal epic of Homer --- Iliad.

Pamukkale, the particular topography of a huge area covered by white limestone, which is also called Hierapolis-Pamukkale or the Cotton Castle. It is the miracle created by the Nature. The area of Cappadocia was formed during the volcanic explosion millions of years ago. The mixture of the molten lava and the volcanic ash then covered the plateau and so formed the very special topography. If you take a hot air balloon to fly above, its mushroom-like shape could be seen. It looks also like the Fairy’s Chimney and the huge stone in the shape of hats.

The place of origin of the Sufi Whirling on the painting is exactly Turkey. There is also the very interesting belly dance in this country. Besides, there are sites of civilization left by the cultures of the Roman Empire, the Greeks and the Ottoman Empire. Places such as Bergama, Ephesus and the outdoor theater are all places worth to have a visit, even more than those in Italy. Besides, the Goreme Cave Church, the Underground City … etc. are all important master pieces of art.


2.埃及之法老传奇 116.5×91.0cm 油画画布




The Pharaoh’s Legend in Egypt

The Pyramid, the Sphinx, the Mummies : three of the greatest impressions about Egypt. Ever since I visited Egypt, I realize that the trip in Egypt is an amazing process filled with surprises. One can never realize nor image how huge the Pyramid could be and its grandeur until he himself could finally stand in front. Watching the sunset before the Sphinx is another tremendously exiting experience. It was as if be back to thousands of years ago. The whole scene had caused us to crave for. I was lucky to participate the transfer of the temple of Ramesses II in Abu Simbel. Each of us was deeply succumbed to the solemnness of the Temple of God. Another worth to mention is the four-day-three-night excursion along the Nile River. The Nile, mother river of the Egyptian Culture, is long. Each section of the river had shown its diverse style and feature telling the ancient stories.

The most shock-to-be-mute experience came from the 134 sculptured columns in the Amun Temple of Karnak. It takes 12 adults standing hand in hand with their arms widely opened to form a ring around each column. We were all succumbed to the extraordinary work as if done by the spirits.There are too many historic sites to visit in Egypt. This trip to Egypt has engraved with all the magnificence of this country deeply on my memory.


3.飞向故乡 Fly to home 116.5×91.0cm 油画画布



4.日本印象 116.5×91.0cm 油画画布


5.艺术的国度-法国 The palace of Art --- Paris 91.0×72.5cm 油画画布


The palace of Art --- Paris

Monnet, the Eiffel Tower, Basilique du Sacre-Coeur, Moulin Rouge, Arc de triomphe de e’Etoile, Louvre Museum. Mentioning about Paris, the art and being romantic are always the first two things that come out of our mind. Having sips of the wine from the chateau, tasting the aromatic coffee from the left bank, admiring the Seine, Paris is always enchanting and unforgettable!


6.缤纷台北 Thriving Taipei 91.0×72.5cm 油画画布


Thriving Taipei

Taipei is where I grow up. The people here are friendly and enthusiastic.

The 101 Tower used to be the highest building in the world. It remains as one eye-catching landmarks of Taipei. The Grand Hotel used to be the first choice of receiving important guests. It symbolizes the prosperity of the international interacting. Important buildings such as the Office of the President, the National Palace Museum, the Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall, the Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall are all carriers of the city’s history. The National Park of Yan-Ming-Shan is a place with beautiful site such as the fields of Calla Lilies. Taipei is a beautiful city filled with energy.


7.清迈-少数民族 116.5×91.0cm 油画画布



The minority ethnic groups of Chiang Mai

There are many national minority ethnic groups living in the northern Thai mountain area. For instance, the Akha, the Lahu, the Padaung (of Karen)…….

People of the Akha Tribe like to decorate their heads with silver jewelry. The Lahu people enlarge their ears with bronze rings. The number of Padaung (of Karen) is getting less and less. Traditionally, little girls of the Padaung put bronze rings on their necks from the age of seven. The number of the rings increases with the age until they get married.


8.甜蜜比利时 Sweet Belgium 72.5×60.5cm 油画画布


Sweet Belgium

What does Belgium remind you of? The very famous brand of chocolate GODIVA or the Manneken pis? Taking a stroll along the canals with the boat, the beautiful scenery along the canals and the ancient buildings full of historical atmosphere are all fonts of surprises.


9.神秘国度-白俄罗斯 72.5×60.5cm 油画画布


10.魔幻威尼斯 Venice of Fantasy 72.5×60.5cm 油画画布


Venice of Fantasy

Venice of italy, is formed by a group of little islands with the number of more than one hundred. The city is a popular tourist site. The Carnival that takes place in this city every April makes the whole city a great stage for all kinds of masks and the masked parties. You can see all kinds of masks: the luxurious ones, the noble ones…… with the fantastic atmosphere around everything seem unreal.
